Tuesday, June 3, 2008

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Meeting 3 – Civil 3D Corridors

A small turn out, understandably due to the AutoCAD Seminar downtown Denver, for this month’s meeting didn’t seem to deter a lively discussion on Corridors. Brian Thomasy and myself led the discussion that involved showing examples of intersections and a channel design that we used corridor to design and model. We covered other topics such as sub-assemblies and the benefit of naming them along with the individual assembly pieces in order to easily organize your corridor when setting the targets. We went off into a few different tangents as well. Cross sections and using CTB vs. STB plot styles were also covered. We had a great response from the members that attended. There were a lot of questions, and hopefully we were able to answer many of them or at least point you in the right direction. Some of the highlights from the meeting were:

  • Whether you are working in a large subdivision, a 3 mile stretch of roadway or a mile long channel that has merging channels into it, put it all in one corridor model.
  • A little fore thought and planning before you begin your corridor pays off huge in the long run.
  • Naming the assembly and the sub-assembly pieces makes it easier to find them in the corridor properties when setting the targets.
  • Take advantage of the available white papers provided by AutoCAD (and Autodesk University) to help guide you through the more complex applications of the corridors. Especially in regards to intersections and cul-de-sacs

C3D FRAG Yahoo Group

Many of you have joined our Yahoo Group and some of you have taken advantage of the posting area to ask question or present problems to the group. If you have not done so yet I encourage you to do so. It is an easy way to stay in touch and keep up on new events.

I’ll be adding links to the group site for Autodesk University so you can download the prior mentioned “white papers”. You will have to register as a member to the site (if you have not done so before), but it’s free and it only takes a moment. That way you can not only download the papers, but you can watch recorded webcasts of different lessons as well. So look for those under the LINKS on the Yahoo group site.

Next Month’s Meeting

I’ve posted a poll, on the Yahoo Group page, asking for your opinion on what you would like to be the topic of discussion for next month. There are a handful of topics including revisiting Corridors. Please take the time to vote on the issue that interests you the most. If you have not yet joined the Yahoo Group, this would be the perfect opportunity to do so.

We look forward to seeing you all there!!!